What I do

I like to go into nature to enjoy the outdoors and photograph it.
As a teenager, I had my own darkroom and photographed with my first Praktika and then Minolta.
Since Corona, I started photography again, first on Nikon and now with Sony equipment.

How I do it

It depends on the subject. When it comes to bird photography, I occasionally rent a hide to shoot in peace. For landscapes, I like to use my own local patches or visit beautiful tranquil landscapes.


Sony A7RIV
Sony 100-400mm GM
Sony 16-35mm f2.8 GMII
Sony 24-105mm f4
Sony 1.4 teleconverter
Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3
Käse magnetic filters
Sirui KTV-N2

More photo’s


Fotowedstrijd gemeente Mook Middelaar 2024 1e prijs.